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Emerging therapies in Western medicine, alternative therapies.

We want to hear ideas about new and alternative treatments for diverse health problems, from cancer to mental disease. We will probably start new pages. What we would like to develop here is intelligent discussion about medical therapies where we "think outside the box." Medical dogma is slow to change, and we want to help light paths where effective therapies are emerging years before the AMA specialists finally recognize and endorse them.

We would like to hear from readers who have a health issue they would like to ask other readers about. We will post questions, research and post our own response, and post responses from other readers.


 We want to look at, and help people achieve recovery, in three areas of health where Western medical orthodoxy and corrupt institutions are lagging behind common knowledge and widespread  practice among  more progressive AMA doctors.

These are (1) Heart disease, hypertension and peripheral vascular disease which can be reversed with diet and exercise.  For Stopdown article click here.

(2) Diabetes (type 2) A diet low in carbohydrates and saturated fats, rich in vegetables, and exercise, along with learning how to monitor and control blood sugar can reverse advancing diabetes.   Click here for a New York Times article describing how amputations, costing $30,000, are chosen by the medical industry instead of consultation with a nutritionist. In this amazing and tragic article, clinics that were started to help diabetics with counseling  and referrals were shut down because they weren't making money for the hospitals involved.

(3) Orthopedic back problems, including and especially spinal disc problems, which can be reversed with exercise, weight loss and therapies like yoga, massage, and acupuncture.  Like heart disease and type 2 diabetes,  money making establishment rackets prevail where common sense and holistic approaches can get far superior results. Back surgery makes a lot of money for surgeons and the results are often bad, sometimes disastrous, although good results are fairly common.  And there are incentives for doctors to use manufactured metal implants For Stopdown article click here. ... For a recent New York Times article on a whistle-blower suit describing kickbacks to doctors from device maker medtronics click here.





Two health issues addressed here, quick outline: (1) Heart disease, peripheral artery disease, hypertension (high blood pressure) (2) Back pain, including pain caused by herniated spinal discs.

(1) With respect to "atherosclerotic", or clogged artery heart disease, the type treated with bi-pass operations and angioplasty, we take the position that cutting back saturated fats in the diet, along with exercise can reverse the condition. Many doctors around the U.S. are telling their patients they can reverse angina and avoid surgery by diet changes and exercise along with medication, but the medical profession has not done studies to establish reversal as a medical fact. Individuals witness an improvement in angiograms, angina retreats or disappears, from diet and exercise, but there is no record of it. And so much expensive, dangerous, and unnecessary surgery goes on. Angioplasty including placing a stent is a band aid solution that does not stop the arteries from deteriorating.  We recognize there are other avenues to explore, in this context, such as red wine, alipoprotein-A But drinking red wine won't reverse heart disease. Diet and exercise will, although in some cases statins (drugs) may be necessary.

(2) With respect to back problems, there are many therapies we would like to discuss, including swimming, yoga, osteopathy and chiropraction, Pilades, Feldenkreis, massage, acupressure, acupuncture and more.  We would like to hear about  routes to healing, including combined therapies at "sports medicine" clinics of the tyoe that have arisen over the last decade......Until the 1990's, there was no AMA specialty for internal orthopedics, only surgeons, as if there were neurosurgeons but no neurologists. And that is one explanation for why the field of non-surgical treatment has remained undeveloped until recently.


