Check out the Franklin Scandal on Google or You Tube or click url's below. Boys and girls were plied with drugs and sent around the U.S., sometimes to a Washington D.C. Townhouse, by a pedophile ring that operated out of Omaha, Nebraska headed by Larry King, a prominent Republican who was charged and convicted of defrauding the Franklin Credit Union, but not charged in relation to the sex ring. The media have let the issue, first exposed in 1988, fade as the FBI took the investigation out of the hands of the local police and then killed it; the state investigator died when his plane broke up in mid-air;  a grand jury managed to deem the allegations "a hoax," without explaining who organized the hoax. The supposed hoaxters, the witnesses, who were the trafficked and abused victims, were told by the FBI and local police that they would be accused and convicted of perjury if they tried to tell their lurid tales in court. Most of the witnesses,  were orphans from Boystown (Omaha) or poor kids from from broken families with no one to fall back on, backed down. One (Alicia Owen) went to jail for perjury for sticking to her story. Many who worked on this story feel certain that the suppression of the story by law enforcement, by the grand jury, and by the media  is  due to the prominence of people who participated in the sex ring. William Colby, ex CIA director, spoke out against how authorities treated the allegations and has since died in an unlikely accident. The mother of a boy who she claims was kidnapped by the ring and a witness who claims he did the kidnapping, at the direction of Larry King, have been turned away by the FBI, even as pictures have surfaced showing her son Johnny Gosch and two other boys held captive some 28 years ago. These boys were killed, it is most likely. Other people have been murdered in apparent connection with suppressing exposure of the ring. Discovery Channel was about to air an hour long documentary on the topic but then cancelled it. The first  url below is that documentary, but it is a terrible print, perhaps because because Discovery Channel would not release a better copy to the people who brought them the report. The second url is a good print but it doesn't start with an overview of the story.  There are two books available on
 Or just google: Franklin scandal, or Conspiracy of Silence.