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María Concepción Rosales Guzmán collects corn husks in Mexico’s Jalisco mountain range.
GABRIEL, Mexico — In the past, farmers would make the dangerous trek north from
this tiny town hidden in the rugged folds of the Jalisco mountain range to the
United States, hoping to earn enough money doing odd jobs to cover debts
incurred while cultivating the small plots of land that have been in their
families for generations.
But more recently, many
have managed to avoid the trips, staying home as the result of a new venture
PepsiCo, which buys their crops.
“Some of us used to go north to work to make money to pay off debts, but no
longer,” said Martín Ramos Torres, a farmer, adding that at least two members of
the cooperative he leads had been caught by United States border patrol agents
and deported. “In just three years, everything has changed.”
Ramos and some 300 small farmers here no longer sell their corn to middlemen but
directly to PepsiCo, which guarantees the price it will pay for their crops
upfront. The deal enables the small farmers to secure credit to buy seeds and
fertilizers, crop insurance and equipment.
“Before, I had to sell my cow to buy what I needed,” said José Guzmán Santana,
another farmer selling to Pepsi. “Now I keep the cow and my family has milk
while I grow my crop.”
PepsiCo’s work with the corn farmers reflects a relatively new approach by
corporations trying to maintain a business edge while helping out small
communities and farmers. Begun as a pilot project by the foundation affiliated
with the company’s Sabritas snack foods division, it is expanding to about 850
farmers to develop a local source of sunflower oil, which the company needs to
improve the nutritional quality of its products.
corn project saved PepsiCo transportation costs because the farms were close to
two of its factories, and the use of local farms assured it access to types of
corn best suited to its products and processes. “That gives us great leverage
because corn prices don’t fluctuate so much, but transportation costs do,” said
Pedro Padierna, president of PepsiCo’s operations in
The social benefits of the
corn program are obvious in higher incomes that have improved nutritional and
educational standards among the participating farmers, not to mention its impact
on illegal
immigration and possibly even the
reduction of
marijuana production.
sunflower farmers are expected to see similar benefits — but PepsiCo insists
those benefits are ancillary to the business rationale for the program.
growing number of major companies have adopted similar business tacks aimed at
profitability that also prove to be economically and socially beneficial for
needy people. One of the earliest examples was Danone’s development of a
vitamin-enhanced yogurt product that sells for 11 cents in
“These are markets,” Harry
Verhaar, head of strategic sustainability initiatives at
Philips Electronics, said of countries
with sizable populations of impoverished consumers.
Philips has begun selling low-cost,
solar-powered lighting products in
products reduce the use of kerosene, the fuel of choice among the world’s
poorest consumers. Because they light homes that previously went dark at
sundown, they may enable a child to study longer or a community to enjoy an
evening soccer game.
they have spawned business. “A guy will set up a small shop with a large solar
panel on the roof or behind and charge a small fee for recharging the solar
light,” Mr. Verhaar said.
are seeing an increased focus by companies looking to see how they can use their
core capabilities for public good rather than simply writing a big check,” said
Gaurav Gupta, regional director for
Gupta stressed that what was emerging was not “corporate social responsibility,”
a loosely defined concept typically driven by corporate marketing departments,
which he said was “largely nonsense.”
“This is about a company’s core activity, which is something it is constantly
thinking about and working to improve,” he said. “Its impact on business can be
defined and measured.”
Derek Yach, the former
World Health Organization official who
is now PepsiCo’s senior vice president for global health and agriculture policy,
said firmly: “This is a business. All the good things we want to do have to be
financed out of the profits of the company, so why not do them while we are
doing our business?” Mr. Padierna described the program in the state of Jalisco
as Act II of a three-act play, which started when the company needed a way to
mitigate its impact on the potato market. Through a guaranteed purchase system
similar to the one it uses with the small farmers, PepsiCo enticed big
agribusinesses to invest in the development of potato varieties better suited to
Today, the company is the largest buyer of potatoes produced in
Working with small farmers was a bigger challenge. Mr. Guzmán and Mr. Ramos, for
instance, had little experience with pesticides, having previously relied on the
local priest to bless away worms.
did they maintain bank accounts, a hurdle to payment by wire transfer. “We
didn’t have money to put in the bank,” said Bonifacio Villalvazo, who together
with Mr. Guzmán and Mr. Ramos is a member of one of the cooperatives created by
the program.
company teamed up with a Mexican nonprofit group,
Fundación Sembrando Trabajo, which
extended to farmers in Jalisco a program it had begun in
team of engineers from the nonprofit did soil and other tests to determine what
seeds and fertilizers would work best. The engineers live nearby and so are
frequently on hand to offer farmers advice and services, like delivering the
seeds, instructing farmers on how to plant them and counseling on the safe
disposal of pesticide containers, which in the past had been re-used to store
water and other things.
“They taught us to first triple-wash them and then to poke holes in the bottom
so they can’t be reused,” Mr. Guzmán said. “Now we use them to make fences” —
which in turn reduces the need to cut down trees, thereby reducing soil erosion.
Other members of the group repeatedly stressed how helpful it was to know they
would receive their seeds and supplies on time. In the past, they worked through
intermediaries who would sell them what they needed to plant their crops,
financing some or all of their purchases.
The intermediaries decided
when to deliver seeds and
fertilizer and when the farmers would
harvest. And almost invariably, the price an intermediary would pay for that
crop was less than the amount a farmer owed him — assuming he even agreed to
take the crop. “I planted a lot less because I didn’t know if I could sell it
and I didn’t want to end up with a big debt,” said Germán Rodríguez Estrada, the
youngest member of the cooperative. “Now that I have a secure buyer, I plant
twice as much.”
Indeed, the farmers said Pepsi’s purchase guarantee was the most valuable aspect
of the program, benefiting even farmers who did not participate. “My neighbors
come to me and ask what Sabritas is going to pay me for my crop,” Mr. Ramos
said. “Now everyone is getting that price.”
farmers said the price was higher than they ever got from any intermediary,
which means they end up with money in the bank after a crop is harvested.
Sembrando Trabajo estimates that while their output has increased by about 160
percent, their incomes have tripled over the three years the program has been in
“Well, it depends on the year and the crop, but, yes, we all have higher incomes
in general,” said Matías Estrada Figueroa, the treasurer of the cooperative.
now maintain bank accounts, which Ellis J. Juan, representative of the
Inter-American Development Bank in
Other broad benefits Mr. Juan cited were the program’s potential to reduce
illegal immigration to the
bank has struck an agreement with PepsiCo to provide up to $5 million in credit
guarantees to support a program similar to the corn project. The new project has
enlisted farmers in the states of Jalisco and Durango grow sunflowers, the first
time since 1970s that the crop has been grown for anything other than floral
arrangements and bird seed, according to PepsiCo.
company will spend roughly $52 million over the next seven years to buy crops
that may eventually produce 40,000 tons of sunflower oil. That oil will begin
replacing the 80,000 tons of palm oil it needs each year for products made in
for the